built to last

gets the
personal touch

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Contact us

The firm

Warners began in Bushey High Street in 1991 after the amicable de-merger of  a partnership business and moved to The Watford Business Park for a stint of 24 years before moving to the current offices at The Wenta Business Centre in Watford in 2020. The firm continues to deal largely with a local client base covering a whole range of industries and professions. The firm has grown over the years, but deliberately restricts the volume of work accepted in order to allow Barry to remain in a hands-on position keeping direct front-line relationships with all clients. You never become “just a number” at Warners.

Contacting us

The team

All the back-up comes from Liz, Wendy and Lisa who work part-time covering book-keeping, payrolls, accounts preparation and client support services.

Did you know?

Before starting in this business, Barry had a full head of  hair.

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About us

Barry Warner

Barry trained in the Watford office of a medium sized firm gaining a wide experience from the smallest of jobs to large company scenarios. After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1980, Barry spent 2 years in the London tax department of a top six firm before returning to his roots and eventually becoming self employed. Barry has a sharp wit and is known for being a bit of a joker - you have been warned! If sarcasm isn’t your strong point then fear not, Barry will soon have you fully trained in that department.